Tanya Sunny - BLOG

The architecture of happiness

I like houses with gazebos, porches, terraces, gardens, alpine slides, soulful design, so I just couldn't pass by this dining composition in the garden) For some strange reason, I recalled the recent question of how stars can act on us if we see their light belatedly...

I looked at this empty table, wrought iron chairs, a hydrangea bush ... And as if I saw another dimension with laughing faces, an openwork tablecloth, the bright armful of flowers in the tall vases, embroidered pillows on chairs, porcelain dishes, delicious food and spring water in crystal...
The picture came to life before my eyes so vividly that I heard the birds chirping, splashing water in the glass, happy laughter, small details...

Clatter of cutlery, exclamations of joy, sincere smiles, talks about life, music, dreams, ordinary things. It seemed no sad thoughts was there, happiness was breathing at the table ...
After all, I heard some sadness ... so I decided to finish this picture in my way. I added a couple of lemon trees and cypresses in tubs in the garden, and planted the spicy herbs to the roots for smell and fresh greens for dinner. A woman with the silver hair tore off the mint leaves and, taking a deep breath, burst into tears from her memories. Gradually, with tears and a mint aroma, a long-standing heaviness left her heart and ... her children and grandchildren had the new facets of the future ...
I smiled: I found the reason)

Now a pregnant daughter-in-law sat down by the pot with a fragrant oregano to inhale the smell. She just touched the silver leaves, and for the first time the child moved inside to the joy of the mother. How long-awaited it was!!! Ganos is a joy in Greek. And the soul in the tummy also, loves surprises like me) Oh, how happy everyone was about the news!)))

The statue of a little fountain girl in a dress made of water jets appeared in my thoughts right next to a vase with hydrangeas and not far from a kid who was afraid to go down to the floor from his parents' arms. The fear was great. I had to put a couple of moving toys of aliens as well, but the magnetic attraction worked on the fountain dress))) You never know what the children will choose. So the baby took the first step and learned not to be afraid of the world. For me, the main sign that my work was successful when someone want to touch it, despite the prohibitions and fear.

Then I built a couple of wooden crossbeams in the garden and planted the curly roses to cover them. I put a couple of sofas in rosy arbors. It turned out very sensual and atmospheric. The petals of flowers opened when they were touched like the delicate lips. Ah, someone, inspired by the fragrance, gave a kiss. In the world of multiple realities, I scattered the petals on the couch, as if on a bed, just in case) For a romantic date, when the party will finish) I was asked by one soul who wanted to be already embodied ...)

Do not think that everything in the world is written as in the schedule, everyone has a choice to decide on reality. Space architects only build probabilities. And the fact that the probabilities come true more does not depend on the talent or experience of the architect, but on the openness of his connection with the Spirit-Universe, then he has truly inexhaustible imagination and energy)

Oh yes! I was distracted by the landscape design and completely forgot about the table))) Slipping my eyes to the table, I noticed that everything froze in a sweet anticipation. Still empty cups and saucers sparkled eagerly. It was time for a fun tea party and a sunny cheesecake with the golden peaches. And for dessert, I also served fried cherries in a dough with vanilla sugar and white wine. A flower-cookie was also given to everyone to make a wish. I heard so much sincere admiration!) My reward for the lovely small details and personal touch)
Now I know exactly what pleasure angels get when they arrange wonderful gifts!

Then, right from the tree above the table, I hung a chandelier with a pearl string pendants, like a flickering constellation. And everyone looked into the open starry sky. The constellations were moving beyond the horizon, and the heroes of the picture realized that they were sitting at the table and at the same time flying together with a planet in space with the crazy speed. They realized they were not only part of the family, or a kind, but also a part of humanity and the universe - part of something more ...

The loud voices fell silent. Everybody held their breath. Through the starry light reaching the Earth for many years, they saw me watching their hearty gathering from another dimension with a smile.

Realizing with amazement that this whole table was someone's past, future or present, and having violated all ideas about the time and space, they invited me to their place and embraced me with warmth and treated with cakes and tea. And when I took the flower cookie, there was a letter for me …

Time is a very relative concept: there is a time right here, but there is no time somewhere there. There is a connection between spaces and dimensions, quantum entanglement connects us instantly with our souls, when we are ready to remember and understand, it doesn't matter how much light goes from stars to earth ...

It's important who You are! As much as you know yourself and are yourself now, such will be your happiness!