Hi, I'm Tanya Sunny.
I am an astrologer, psychoanalyst, osteopath.

For over 15 years I have been professionally studying astrology, developing online courses, conducting training seminars and individual consultations.

I consult and teach using my own method called «ASTRO LOGIC».

Its essence lies in an unique combination of knowledge of the Vedic and Western astrological traditions, psychoanalysis and osteopathy. In my opinion, this combination provides the most holistic approach to the human health and well-being.

Astrologer of Vedic and Western astrology
- Rami Bleckt International School (fundamentals of Vedic Astrology)
- The astrological school of Elena Osipenko (fundamentals of Western astrology)

- International Institute of Depth Psychology
- School of Clinical Psychoanalysis of the Deficient Ego States

Osteopath, craniosacral therapist
- East European School of Osteopathy
Hi, I'm Tanya Sunny.
I am an astrologer, psychoanalyst, osteopath.

Astrologer of Vedic and Western astrology
- Rami Bleckt International School (fundamentals of Vedic Astrology)
- The astrological school of Elena Osipenko (fundamentals of Western astrology)

- International Institute of Depth Psychology
- School of Clinical Psychoanalysis of the Deficient Ego States

Osteopath, craniosacral therapist
- East European School of Osteopathy
For over 15 years I have been professionally studying astrology, developing online courses, conducting training seminars and individual consultations.

I consult and teach using my own method called «ASTRO LOGIC».

Its essence lies in an unique combination of knowledge of the Vedic and Western astrological traditions, psychoanalysis and osteopathy. In my opinion, this combination provides the most holistic approach to the human health and well-being.
My multidimensionality
As a psychoanalyst, I know how the human psyche works, how relationships are built between people, how family rules and unseen 'accounting' work between the members of the kin.

As an osteopath, I understand how your body functions, how your karmic potential, life experience, your thoughts and reactions are reflected in it.

As an astrologer, I can read your natal chart and see the experience of your soul, what place you occupy in the general system of the universe, what is the main meaning of your life path.

In addition, I am also a creative person who reveals my literary, artistic, musical talents, and this gives me the opportunity for an extraordinary vision and the ability to find creative solutions in life.

Therefore, during my consultations, I see you simultaneously at all levels, and I try to give you a multidimensional view of yourself and your issues and inspire you to unlock your potential.
My multidimensionality
As a psychoanalyst, I know how the human psyche works, how relationships are built between people, how family rules and unseen 'accounting' work between the members of the kin.

As an osteopath, I understand how your body functions, how your karmic potential, life experience, your thoughts and reactions are reflected in it.

As an astrologer, I can read your natal chart and see the experience of your soul, what place you occupy in the general system of the universe, what is the main meaning of your life path.

In addition, I am also a creative person who reveals my literary, artistic, musical talents, and this gives me the opportunity for an extraordinary vision and the ability to find creative solutions in life.

Therefore, during my consultations, I see you simultaneously at all levels, and I try to give you a multidimensional view of yourself and your issues and inspire you to unlock your potential.
Each of us has his own psychic reality. Everyone sees this world in his own way due to the individual karmic characteristics. These features cause errors in the perception of reality and lead to problems in life.

Imagine a colorblind person who confuses colors. He is convinced from birth that red is green and does not even admit that it could be otherwise. Therefore, when he crosses the street, for example, he goes to a red light, which he perceives as green, and gets hit by a car. For him, this incident is an accident of fate. But, in fact, if he knew that he had a color error, he could have avoided the tragedy.

The same accident can happen if a person does not know the traffic rules. But if he learns them, he will stop putting himself in danger.

People usually act like a color confusing person. They want to get the desired result, but they commit initially wrong actions to achieve it, because they do not know about their mistake or about the rules on the roads of life.

Sufferers complain about their fate instead of finding out their karmic potential, learning to change it and take into account the rules of the cosmic movement.
My opinion
Each of us has his own psychic reality. Everyone sees this world in his own way due to the individual karmic characteristics. These features cause errors in the perception of reality and lead to problems in life.

Imagine a colorblind person who confuses colors. He is convinced from birth that red is green and does not even admit that it could be otherwise. Therefore, when he crosses the street, for example, he goes to a red light, which he perceives as green, and gets hit by a car. For him, this incident is an accident of fate. But, in fact, if he knew that he had a color error, he could have avoided the tragedy.

The same accident can happen if a person does not know the traffic rules. But if he learns them, he will stop putting himself in danger.

People usually act like a color confusing person. They want to get the desired result, but they commit initially wrong actions to achieve it, because they do not know about their mistake or about the rules on the roads of life.

Sufferers complain about their fate instead of finding out their karmic potential, learning to change it and take into account the rules of the cosmic movement.
My opinion
Today many people are interested in their health and understand that complete well-being is possible only in the harmonious balance of a physical body, subtle energy systems and natural forces. However, few people remember that the space around us is also a part of nature, and we just often do not realize its impact. Nature is not only countryside, fields, forests, mountains, it is everything that exists in the universe, the entire organic and inorganic world, including planets and stars.

We live in an ocean of cosmic radiation, which is transmitted by celestial bodies. The most important to us are the planets, as they are the closest.

The planets are the nodes of a vast energy network, woven from the thin lines of force that link the entire solar system into a single organism. These lines of force are the forces of attraction and repulsion that celestial bodies - planets emit, continuously moving along their orbits. Despite the fact that the planets seem very distant, their electromagnetic fields reach the Earth and affect the structures of earthly life, including us.

Eclipses, retrograde periods, planetary transits, etc. affect a human being, regardless of whether he realizes it or not.

Knowing one's potential as well as the cosmic laws helps a person to take into account the influence of cosmic bodies on him on the way to his goals. It makes possible to change his fate for the better - to harmonious interaction with the nature of the surrounding space, without which a man cannot be healthy and happy.

ASTRO LOGIC is an unique combination of knowledge of modern astrology, depth psychology (psychoanalysis), osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, which allows you to work simultaneously on the physical, mental, energetic and informational levels of a person.

This is a method that allows you to learn more about the current rules and laws of the system of the Universe that affect us, as well as to learn more about the cosmic rhythms in accordance with which we tune in consciously and unconsciously.
My method «ASTRO LOGIC»
Today many people are interested in their health and understand that complete well-being is possible only in the harmonious balance of a physical body, subtle energy systems and natural forces. However, few people remember that the space around us is also a part of nature, and we just often do not realize its impact. Nature is not only countryside, fields, forests, mountains, it is everything that exists in the universe, the entire organic and inorganic world, including planets and stars.

We live in an ocean of cosmic radiation, which is transmitted by celestial bodies. The most important to us are the planets, as they are the closest.

The planets are the nodes of a vast energy network, woven from the thin lines of force that link the entire solar system into a single organism. These lines of force are the forces of attraction and repulsion that celestial bodies - planets emit, continuously moving along their orbits. Despite the fact that the planets seem very distant, their electromagnetic fields reach the Earth and affect the structures of earthly life, including us.

Eclipses, retrograde periods, planetary transits, etc. affect a human being, regardless of whether he realizes it or not.

Knowing one's potential as well as the cosmic laws helps a person to take into account the influence of cosmic bodies on him on the way to his goals. It makes possible to change his fate for the better - to harmonious interaction with the nature of the surrounding space, without which a man cannot be healthy and happy.

ASTRO LOGIC is an unique combination of knowledge of modern astrology, depth psychology (psychoanalysis), osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, which allows you to work simultaneously on the physical, mental, energetic and informational levels of a person.

This is a method that allows you to learn more about the current rules and laws of the system of the Universe that affect us, as well as to learn more about the cosmic rhythms in accordance with which we tune in consciously and unconsciously.
My method «ASTRO LOGIC»
Video interview with me
All rights reserved. Copying materials only with the permission of the author.
Tanya Sunny © 2020